Hi, I'm Shuang

Software Engineer | Data Scientist | Web Developer

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I am a dedicated student currently pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Cognitive Science with a Minor in Computer Science and Data Science at Lehigh University, set to graduate in June 2024. Throughout my academic journey, I've maintained a strong commitment to learning and practical application. My skill set spans a range of computer programming languages, data analysis tools, and graphic design software, making me well-prepared to tackle diverse challenges and contribute meaningfully to the software development field.

My current works are in mixed-reality research, solo game-dev, and freelance web-dev.
  • January - May 2024

    Voice Cloning Detection: Deep4SNet Counter to SiF-DeepVC

    A deep learning project in which we improve upon the Deep4SNet deep learning CNN model to counter the voice clones that have been camouflaged by the SiF-DeepVC method.

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  • Feburary - May 2023

    Toy Google Maps

    This project is about creating a toy model of Google Maps that can predict personalized travel time for a given trip. The project consists of three stages: map matching, traffic speed estimation, and travel time prediction. We used a road network data from San Francisco and a mobility trace data from the Cabspotting project. We implemented various methods such as Hidden Markov Model, XGBoost, and K-means to achieve the desired functionalities. The final performance of the travel time estimation is measured in mean absolute error (MAE). Our model performance resulted in 199.499 seconds; about 3 minutes of error.

    This is the first time I've applied geospatial data in software development. It sparked my interest in real-world data because of the endless practicalities it can provide. Shoutout to my teammate, Xiyang Hu, for the endless nights we stayed holed up in the library, coding and researching methods.

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    Stage 1
    Stage 2
    Stage 3

  • December 2022

    Capy Racing

    An asynchronous multiplayer game in which you compete with other players to reach the longest distance ran as a cute Capybara. You can chat with other players and see each other's scores (distance) on the leaderboard.

    This is my first time experiencing the full stack, and a full game development process. Shoutout to my teammate, Carlos Garro, for coding the physics and controls of the game. I had so much fun drawing the Capy and the environment. The backend server set up was annoying, but worth it. The frontend design process was fun, I really enjoyed writing the frontend side. It felt exhilarating when everything was working as intended at the end.

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  • November - December 2022

    Predicting COVID-19 Infection Rates for Different Zip Codes in Chicago

    In a team of 5, we analyzed the official geospatial COVID-19 data from various Chicago regions dating from January 2020 to October 2022. We carried out the prediction and analysis of multiple models on the data. We used the Time Series model to estimate the pattern of COVID infections in each region in mid-age, monthly, and seasonally. For the prediction of the number of weekly infections, we also used several different models to make judgments. Logistic regression, Naive Bayes, decision tree, and K-NN. In each model, we used 10-fold validation to split the data to get the highest accuracy of the model. We take the data predicted by different models and compare them to see the differences. At the same time, we also used the map data of Chicago to show the data analysis in a dynamic way. The audience of such analysis was real estate agencies in Chiacgo on location desirability.

    This is was my introduction to data science course, so it was the first time I worked on a large data project cooperatively. It was fun coming up with theories of the numbers as a group. We shared opinions and doubts, and were able to create this amazing project. Shoutout to my teammates, Tongshu Wu, Mario Martino, Jacklyn Clauss, and Gabriella Rub for the fun and educating time.

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    Covid Growth by Zip

    Covid Growth by Zip

    Hot Spots
    Cases vs. Dates
    Cases vs. Seasons

  • August - December 2022

    Web Games & Tools

    This is a collection of all the little games and tools I created during my academic journey to learn web development. Shoutout to my teacher, Professor James Femister!

    Please be advised that they have been ported from Node.js to static due to GitHug Pages limitations.


  • To be continued...

    There's more!

    Just gimmie some time to add them! lol